The goal of this free, no-frills education Web site A Research Guide for Students is to provide all the necessary tools for students to conduct research and to present their findings. Site provides a Quick Click to Search Engines, annotated Research, Writing, and Style Guides (MLA, APA, Chicago, Turabian, CGOS, CBE, Harvard), and Worlds of Knowledge housing some of the best education Web sites in a Virtual Library arranged by the Dewey Decimal Classification System.
Collier and Toomey | Scientific and Technical Communication: Theory, Practice and Policy
This web site provides the expanded, digital edition of Scientific and Technical Communication: Theory, Practice and Policy published originally by Sage Press in 1997.
The digital edition contains chapter 4, chapters 8-15 (Section II), and the grammar handbook, not included in the Sage edition.
Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab
The OWL at Purdue offers online writing, research, and MLA and APA style help to the world.
Geschichte der Patent-Information
Artikel von Claus Suhr: A change of paradigms: looking back to the pioneer years of patent information management (1960-1990). World Patent Information 26(2004)41-43
Erwähnt werden auch Robert Fugmann und Ernst Meyer und die Aktivitäten der IDC
Theory and Practice of Online-Learning
From libraries to ‘libratories’
From libraries to ‘libratories’
From libraries to ‘libratories’ by Leo Waaijers
First Monday, volume 10, number 12 (December 2005)
EDUCAUSE | Resources on E-Portfolios
EDUCAUSE | Resources on
E-Portfolios (Electronic Portfolios)
Wie so oft sind die Themenseiten von Educause eine wahre Fundgrube!
* An Overview of E-Portfolios (2005) by George Lorenzo and John Ittelson, EDUCAUSE
* 7 Things You Should Know about Wikis (2005) by EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative, EDUCAUSE
* 7 Things You Should Know About Videoblogging
Observatory on the Information Society: UNESCO-CI
Observatory on the Information Society: UNESCO-CI
Monitoring the Development of the Information Society towards Knowledge Societies
…so wie wir sie verstehen – sind keine einfachen Rezepte, die sich Schritt für Schritt anwenden lassen, sondern komplexe Handlungsweisen.
Schönes Tutorial zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten
Pädagogik und das Wissen der Gesellschaft
Pädagogik und das Wissen der Gesellschaft : Erziehungswissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf Wissen
The digital difference: Responsible conduct of research in a networked world
KU ScholarWorks: Item 1808/230
Fyffe, R., & Walter, S. (2005). The digital difference: Responsible conduct of research in a networked world. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Graduate School.
Abstract: This handbook, sponsored by the University of Kansas Graduate School’s Responsible Conduct of Research program, provides an introduction to a variety of issues faced by those who teach, design, conduct, disseminate, or preserve research in a digital environment. Includes discussions of information literacy instruction, design of Web-based survey research, copyright and fair use, licensing of electronic journals, new models for copyright management and scholarly communication, and planning for preservation of digital information.
Citing Sources
Documentation Guidelines for citing sources and avoiding plagiarism
Journal Hochschuldidaktik
Geschichte der Dokumentationswissenschaften
Texte und Materialsammlung von Gerd Simon, Tübingen
Enthält auch: Gering, Eberhardt: Die Gründer der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Dokumentation.