JAMA — The History and Meaning of the Journal Impact Factor, January 4, 2006, Garfield 295 (1): 90
Eugene Garfield, PhD
JAMA. 2006;295:90-93.
JAMA — The History and Meaning of the Journal Impact Factor, January 4, 2006, Garfield 295 (1): 90
Eugene Garfield, PhD
JAMA. 2006;295:90-93.
Undergraduate Research, Critical Evaluation, and the Digital Age
Student Guide to Research in the Digital Age:
How to Locate and Evaluate Information Sources
Leslie F. Stebbins. Forthcoming from Libraries Unlimited/Greenwood Press. December 2005.
„students need to break their Google habit and learn more sophisticated techniques that will lead them to the rich online scholarly library collections“
heureka! – Veränderung im Denken
Powerpoint ist aus dem universitären Alltag nicht mehr wegzudenken. Vorlesungen werden mit der Standardsoftware aus dem Hause Microsoft ebenso gehalten wie studentische Referate. Wissenschaftliche Vorträge landen im ppt-Format ebenso im Netz wie Lehrmaterial zum Eigenstudium. Schätzungsweise 400 Millionen Kopien sind weltweit im Umlauf, ein erheblicher Teil davon an Universitäten und Schulen, denen das Programm zu Sonderkonditionen angeboten wird.
Von Stefan Löffler
Annual Review of Information Science and Technology (ARIST)
Enthält in Vol. 40(2006)441-473 einen Artikel von Alistair Black mit dem Titel „Information History“
„ARIST is a remarkable institution … an impressive work of authorship and editorship“
Colin Harris, Ariadne, 38, 2004
„…the single most important source of the state of the art in IS“
” Birger Hjoerland, JASIS, May 2000
TP: F¨nf Herausforderungen für die Wikipedia
Torsten Kleinz 15.01.2006
Vor fünf Jahren wurde die Online-Enzyklopädie gegründet und ist zu einem großen und einflussreichen Projekt herangewachsen, aber es nehmen auch die Probleme zu
Reference Guide to Writing Across the Curriculum
By Charles Bazerman, Joseph Little, Lisa Bethel, Teri Chavkin, Danielle Fouquette, and Janet Garufis
© 2005 by Parlor Press and the WAC Clearinghouse. 188 pages, including bibliography and index. Available in paper, cloth, and Acrobat eBook formats direct from Parlor Press online. or at any online or brick-and-mortar bookstore. Available in PDF format for no charge on this page at the WAC Clearinghouse.
WAC issued also an interesting journal: Across the Disciplines, a refereed journal devoted to language, learning, and academic writing, publishes articles relevant to writing and writing pedagogy in all their intellectual, political, social, and technological complexity. ATD shares the mission of the WAC Clearinghouse in making information about writing and writing instruction freely available to members of the CAC, WAC, and ECAC communities.
Table of Contents for Volume 3, January through December 2006
Michael Pemberton, EditorEditors‘ Note: On Becoming Editor of ATD
Michael Pemberton reflects on the challenges of taking over as editor of ATD. (Published June 28, 2005)
Special Issue. WAC, WID, ECAC, CAC, CXC, LAC — VAC? Incorporating the Visual into Writing / Electronic / Communication / Learning Across the Curriculum
Disciplines across the curriculum increasingly respond to the visual culture into which our students graduate—and from which they come. This special issue explores the use of visuals to teach, to construct knowledge, and to deconstruct knowledge; specific disciplinary expectations concerning visuals as end products/forms of communication; the production, changes and/or effects visual technologies (from paper to screen) have had on our field; the intersections between/among visual/written/spoken pedagogies and productions across disciplines/interdisciplines; ways in which brain activity dedicated to writing intersects/affects/changes visual production.
Guest editor: Joan A. Mullin, University of Texas at Austin
A Brief History of Library Instruction in the United States of America
Michael Lorenzen
(This paper originally appeared in Illinois Libraries in 2001.)
United States Copyright Information
Knapp und übersichtlich das Wesentliche zum Thema Copyright. Gibt es Ähnliches aus deutscher Sicht?
Writing at the University of Toronto
The University of Toronto expects its students to write well, and it provides a number of resources to help them. To find what you need, start with our page of Frequently Asked Questions, investigate writing centres and writing courses, look at our advice files, and read the latest announcements about writing support programs.
Special IL Issue of the journal ITALICS Vol. 5 (2006) Issue 1
Information literacy: challenges of implementation Editorial by Susie Andretta
Information literacy education is described by the authors of this special issue of Italics as fully embedded in the process of independent and lifelong learning practices. Full integration of information literacy is advocated at various levels of education, through the adoption of real-world assessment strategies, and through a critical pedagogy. These are necessary steps towards the development of independent learning, and ultimately, towards the establishment of a learning society.
LIBREAS – Library Ideas (aktuelle Ausgabe)
LIBREAS – Ausgabe 4 – Winter 2006
In den Communications of the ACM ist in der Dezember-Ausgabe (48(2005)12, 35-37) ein Aufsatz von Amy S. Bruckman mit dem Titel ‚Student Research and the Internet‘ erschienen, der zur Zeit über die Homepage der Zeitschrift im Rahmen des „Free Issue“ auch kostenfrei zur Verfügung steht:
Aus Sicht einer Lehrenden ist hier das Thema Informationskompetenz und die Problematik Bibliothek und Internet fuer mich treffend charakterisiert. Dieser Aufsatz trifft den Punkt, um was es beim Thema Informationskompetenz auch über die Aktivitäten von Bibliotheken hinaus primär gehen muss: um das ernsthafte Reflektieren ueber Information und deren Zuverlässigkeit und Seriositöt im Rahmen des Studiums.
Umfassende, zusammenfassende Darstellung zum Wissen über Information. Enthält auch Kapitel zur Informationskompetenz und zur Geschichte des Informationswesens.
Historische und aktuelle Enzyklopädien im Internet
Schöne Zusammenstellung!
Online Ethics Center: Topics Index: Plagiarism
Fallbeispiele zum Thema Plagiarismus
Responsible Authorship
A module covering ethical issues that arise in publishing research individually, collaboratively, and as a student in various feilds.
Intellectual Property of Engineers in Private Practice
An engineer submits a proposal to a county council, a member of which makes this proposal available to another engineer developing a proposal for a different county project. The second engineer uses the first engineer’s information and data without the first engineer’s consent.
O, What a Tangled Web We Weave!
A doctoral student decides to change advisors, while reviewing and proofreading his book she discovers he has plagiarized another article.