Learning Spaces

Angeregt durch Sheila Webbers Weblog habe ich erneut auf der EDUCAUSE Website gestöbert und das interessante E-Book Learning Spaces gefunden.

„Space, whether physical or virtual, can have a significant impact on learning. Learning Spaces focuses on how learner expectations influence such spaces, the principles and activities that facilitate learning, and the role of technology from the perspective of those who create learning environments: faculty, learning technologists, librarians, and administrators. Information technology has brought unique capabilities to learning spaces, whether stimulating greater interaction through the use of collaborative tools, videoconferencing with international experts, or opening virtual worlds for exploration. This e-book represents an ongoing exploration as we bring together space, technology, and pedagogy to ensure learner success.“

Passend dazu aus Großbritannien die Broschüre „Designing Spaces for Effective Learning“ oder den schottischen „Spaces for Learning“-Report.