Katalogisierung hat durchaus auch historische und philosophische Seiten, wie der folgende Aufsatz beweist:
Denton, William. „FRBR and the History of Cataloging.“, in: Understanding FRBR: What It Is and How It Will Affect Our Retrieval. Ed. Arlene G. Taylor. Westport, Connecticut: Libraries Unlimited, 2007.
Abstract: An explanation of where FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records) comes from, given by a look at the work of librarians such as Panizzi, Cutter, Ranganathan, and Lubetzky, and an examination of four themes in the history of library cataloging: the use of axioms to explain the purpose of catalogs, the importance of user needs, the idea of the „work,“ and standardization and internationalization.
Zum Thema auch ein aktueller Preprint der Zeitschrift Bibliothek: